GRĀPS Instructions

           A complete step-by-step guide for downloading           

                      and using the GRĀPS program

Full Directions w/o Download


Graphic Representation of Academic Progress System (GRĀPS) Version 4.1 Directions

Please only use GRĀPS if you have an understanding of statistics, RTI, progress monitoring, and Excel. Only download GRĀPS if you have Excel 2007. If you feel that you meet these requirements, then download GRĀPS and follow these instructions:

Click on Tab 2 Use Agreement and read the Provisional User Agreement. Click on Tab 3 Data Entry and follow these instructions:

Line by Line Direction:

Once you are ready to analyze the data:

9. Enter the value of the last data point. Note: Enter the number only.

10. Enter the number of weeks that the student was receiving the intervention. This number should correspond with the week number of your last data point. Note: Enter the number only.

Data Analysis:


Graphing: You can either print the graph directly from GRĀPS or you can paste the graph into a Microsoft Word document (recommended).

System requirements: 

Excel 2007