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Joshua Zola, Ph.D., NCSP, CBIS, LPES
Dr. Joshua Zola served as a School Psychologist from 2002-2012 in Massachusetts and South Carolina until he was promoted to the position of Coordinator of Psychological Services for Charleston County School District in South Carolina in 2012. Josh supervised 40 School Psychologists who served 80+ schools. In 2016, he stepped down from this position to start his own Psycho-Educational Evaluation and Consulting Practice and to become a District School Climate & PBIS Coach. During this time, Josh also became a Program Evaluation Specialist for a National Institute of Justice grant and an Adjunct Professor for the Department of Psychology at The Citadel Graduate College.
Josh is also a former member of the executive board for the Brain Injury Association of South Carolina. In addition, Josh is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and a Licensed Psycho-Educational Specialist. He holds a B.A. degree in psychology from Clemson University, M.A. and Ed.S. degrees in psychology and school psychology from The Citadel Graduate College and a Ph.D. degree in School Administration (Education Leadership and Policy) from the University of South Carolina. In addition, Josh is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist with the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists and is a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society. His biography was selected to be in the 2009 edition of Marquis Who’s Who in America, and his work on GRĀPS (Graphic Representation of Academic Progress System) was selected to be in the 2011-2012 edition of Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (www.rtigraphs.com) and was also featured on InterventionCentral.org's "RTI on a Shoestring: Reading Fluency, Classwide Behavior Management, Student RTI Graphs". His research and interest in how Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) relate to educational leadership in supporting educational innovation and improving academic and behavioral outcomes for all children.
In October 2017, Josh accepted a position as the Instructional Systems Specialist (School Psychology/Section 504/School Nursing) at the DoDEA Europe West District and moved to Brussels, Belgium with his wife Sara Ann and sons Jude and J. Reed. Josh is looking forward to supporting the School Psychologists and the Administrators at the DoDEA schools to help ensure that all students succeed and become lifelong learners.
David Augustus "Gus" Ruff, Ed.S., NCSP
Gus currently serves as the District Test Coordinator and Program Evaluator of Special Programs for the Charleston County School District. Gus graduated from The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and holds M.S. and Ed.S. degrees in School Psychology from The Citadel Graduate College. Gus is also a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and is an active member of both the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) as well as the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists (SCASP). In 1997, Gus began serving multiple terms as the Low Country Board Representative for SCASP, and in 1998 was the recipient of the Regional Representative Award of Excellence for his outstanding contributions to SCASP. Between 1997 and 2009, he worked specifically as a school psychologist in three low country school districts. He is also periodically contracted as an external evaluator of experimental and pilot programs from other school districts. He currently holds multiple certificates in Lean, Six Sigma and process management. Gus currently lives with his wife Theresa and three children in Charleston, South Carolina.
We would like to thank the following people for their support:
Sara Ann Zola Website Development & Design
Catherine Chick, Ed.S. Charleston County School District
Amber Brundage, Ph.D. University of South Florida
Dawn Houpe, M.A. Charleston County School District
Timothy Hanchon, Ph.D. The Citadel
P. Michael Politano, Ph.D. The Citadel
Doyle Stevick, Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Cheryl Wissick, Ph.D. University of South Carolina
Elizabeth Lovett Charleston County School District
Taylor Mitchell, Ed.S., LPES Colleton County School District
Joanne Alexander, Ed. S. Charleston County School District
Robert Woody, M. Ed. Charleston County School District
Deidra Gilyard, M. Ed. Charleston County School District
Robert Stevens, Ph.D. Charleston County School District