GRĀPS Instructions
A complete step-by-step guide for downloading
and using the GRĀPS program
Full Directions w/o Download
Graphic Representation of Academic Progress System (GRĀPS) Version 4.1 Directions
Please only use GRĀPS if you have an understanding of statistics, RTI, progress monitoring, and Excel. Only download GRĀPS if you have Excel 2007. If you feel that you meet these requirements, then download GRĀPS and follow these instructions:
Click on Tab 2 Use Agreement and read the Provisional User Agreement. Click on Tab 3 Data Entry and follow these instructions:
Line by Line Direction:
Enter the student’s name.
Enter the name of the CBM or progress monitoring tool (ex. Oral Reading Fluency)
Enter the national or local benchmark (ex. DIBELS Benchmark Scores, AIMSweb Benchmark scores). Note: Enter the number only.
Enter the student’s baseline score. Note: Enter the number only.
Enter the length of the intervention period. This should be entered in weeks. For best graphing results, enter 36 for 36 weeks (1 academic school year).
Enter the predicted increase per week. This could be either the Typical or Ambitious Growth Rate. Note: Enter the number only.
This will automatically calculate the student’s goal for the end of the intervention period.
Enter progress monitoring data. In the left column, enter the date that the data point was collected (MM/DD/YY). The middle column will represent the number of weeks the intervention has been given. In the right column, enter the data point. Note: Enter the number only.
Notes: The number of weeks of intervention needs to match the data entry page. This means that if you collected data points on weeks 1,2,3,5,6,7,8 but were not able to collect a data point on week 4, leave week 4 empty. Do not put a zero.
Once you are ready to analyze the data:
9. Enter the value of the last data point. Note: Enter the number only.
10. Enter the number of weeks that the student was receiving the intervention. This number should correspond with the week number of your last data point. Note: Enter the number only.
Data Analysis:
This Rate of Improvement (ROI) value uses a linear regression model
(slope or y = mx + b), in which all of the data points are considered. This method is believed to have a consistency value of 1.10.
This Rate of Improvement (ROI) value uses the “Last minus First” model
(m = (y2-y1) / (x2 - x1)), in which only 2 data points are considered. This method is believed to have a consistency value of 0.75.
10 data points are a minimum requirement for a reliable trendline (Gail & Gail, 2007).
No research is available regarding the Prediction function on GRĀPS. Please use with caution.
Graphing: You can either print the graph directly from GRĀPS or you can paste the graph into a Microsoft Word document (recommended).
Click on Tab 4 Graph1.
Click on the graph and push Ctrl+C to Copy.
Using Microsoft Word, select Paste Special.
Select Picture (Enhanced Metafile). This will give you the best results.
System requirements:
Excel 2007
If you do not have Excel 2007, then we recommend visiting "Rate Of Improvement" for additional Excel-based graphing tools –OR-
If you have a Excel 2003 you can downloaded the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats which will enable you to use GRAPS.
For more information about the Microsoft Compatibility Pack, please visit the Microsoft Office site for more info.